Monday, June 30, 2008

Slimming and contouring

On Saturday, I went to for my contouring sessions once more and lost 700g. The therapist was so glad and kept asking me to maintain. I felt giddy during the heat wrap and had to press bell to stop before the therapist said times up. Kept telling myself to "ren" during the whole session but when giddy couldn't help it anymore.

Trying to take only good and healthy food. More vegetable and rice each meal. If hungry in between, drink plain oats or take fruits and veggie. Tough it might be, but I am sure I would be happy with the results.

I am still wanting to be a pretty and nice me.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Family and love issues

I have having both family and love issues at the same time. It seems so easy to solve but yet again so tough when handling human beings.

Love with Chris seems impossible now that we are both not really giving each other a chance. I just spoke to him today to go find a lawyer and settle things since we know that we can't accept the new us anymore. I hope to be able to find someone that I love and he love me in future. I don't know whether that person will come along since I am so stubborn in my choices. I want to be the perfect person that my next partner can be proud to bring back home to. I have to improve and it's all for my own good.

Family... I am foolish to think that between family everything can be shared. I have learnt not to touch her things anymore. Yesterday night, dad, mum and bro stayed up talking with me till 2am. They must all be very tired today. I better not let them know of anything that will make them worry anymore. I apologised to her this morning, a short one but she did not acknowledge. Things like this is not making the whole family happy and I have caused them to worry.

Overall, time to be a responsible person for my own actions and words. Don't let people look down on me anymore.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Alfred no longer Alfred

Alfred has changed his name. From now on he will be Chrison. I wonder why he changed his name. Maybe he wants a new life from now. I guess everyone have to start afresh..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Want to join belly dancing

Sigh.. the belly dancing class I signed up for have been cancelled due to poor response. I am very very sad, really wanted to learn so much.

Alf just said the other day that he wants to divorce still. Truth even if I can change and be a guai stay at home girl how long can that last? I am who I am now, whoever that comes along will just have to accept me as I am.

I am still waiting for my card to be ready then I can sign up for the slimming sessions. I am determined to become a pretty lady..

Work has been ok. Though recently sleep very little cos always watch tv or go out with friends till late. Weekdays normally sleep 6 hours plus minus. Only Sat then I can get good rest like last Sat, I literally slept the whole day at home. Piggy right.. Hehe...

Last week I bought myself a Coach bag. Small one and bought from Isetan so that I can pay next month. Going broke now.. sigh..

Pls do continue to pray for me...

Lastly.. Happy birthday to Tin..

Monday, June 09, 2008

No more Alf

I think Alf is not ready and would not take me back le. I think maybe I will just walk alone and see how things go.

I am trying to make myself pretty now. Sat I went for a free trial slimming session and seriously considering to take up the package if I have the money. You friends may say.. What?? Helen you are not fat but you have not seen me recently. I have tummy, my curve is disappearing, my tights are ugly and my arms and back too.. Sad.. very...

Today went to do eyebrow trimming and calf waxing. Nice... Hope to be able to become a pretty lady. Learn how to makeup nicely also. And yah, I am joining a belly dancing class every Wed starting next Wed. Hee.. hee..