Helen would be a brave girl soon.. Hor???
Y the above title? Well, I made a brave decision to decide to go find a full time job. Y the decision? Cos one last attempt at an interview for a part time failed then I did promise myself somehow then if this last one fail then it means I will go full time. Plus all the time spent at home really makes me very bored and dull.. So friends, wish me luck and pls pray for me.
So interviewing these few days, first one started actually yesterday. Pushasing at Kaki Bt opp my mum's house. Today, running around like mad around a insurance co as Recuitment Exec, another one at Tampines as HR, etc...Tomorrow morning 10am an agency then to the client at Somerset. Well.. the Kaki Bt one did call me yest night and told me to go over MOnday at 5.30pm cos they shortlisted me and another test, so going to put us to "test" and choose one.. Then today the Tampines one also will get reply tomorrow but I think high chance of one week trying out first cos the agency and company trying to arrange something cos of Anxiety Disorder. I prayed and told God.. I trust him, so whatever comes along I will take it.. So c who can give me reply the soonest lor... I need His help in overcoming this Anxiety thingy. I cant disappoint my parents, siblings (esp my sister) and most imptly my deareat dear hubby who has always always been with me!!! I love you!!
Sorry to Richard cos I promise to have lunch with you but all is crazy today.. So many calls, etc.. Running here and there....