All In a Day's Work
Miss me?? So long nothing much to blog about. But things have been going pretty well for me...
Today is my 3rd day at work. Started on Wed at a company very near my hubby's working work as HR cum Admin Asst. Very near working environment. Glad that I am reverting to my previous lifestyle & hopefully Helen. If you know what I mean. The collegue handing over work to me will be having her last day next Thur, in which I will be on leave. Kindda hoping that I would be able to cope from then on. Very tired cos still have not been able to sleep early but have to wake up early. Go to work with hubby & eat breakfast together then walk to my work place. Me & him working hours half hour apart. So morning I can relax at his office & evening he wait for me if he got no OT.
This weekend going to be a hatic one also. Tomorrow is Andy's chalet. Hoping that we will stay overnight there. Those who know my hubby will know he does not like to sleep elsewhere then home. Good in a way, bad in another. Little overseas trip.. ;p
Sunday celebrating hubby's grand-dad's birthday. Hope we can have sometime of our own in afternoon to have fun.