So long never been here. Let me slowly recall things that happen.
Today nothing much cos yest afternoon Andy came over to my place & then we went to Marina Pub with a new friend made recently..J & her godsis. Had a good time singing & dancing to the beats. Really enjoyed. Too bad Geogos & Sharon couldn't make it. Stayed till 3am plus then came home. J really nice chap, hope more chances of meeting him in future..
Sat is just plain boring, whole day at home so sian. Alf worked till 6pm then come home so didn't want to go out.
Friday I knocked off work early, at 3pm with thanks to my collegue. Afterwhich, I went to Tampines Golden Horse Awards to take a look at the photos & chose my photographer & makup-artist for my photography next June. BTW, for info of all out there, I am only taking Wedding Photography. Not throwing wedding dinner already..sigh..
Thur was Public Holiday. I was very happy that day cos chance upon the sale at Poh Heng. Got a gift from my dear hubby. So delighted!!! :)
Mon & Tue I was on MC. Very bad right, just started work MC already. No choice, I injured my muscles at the sides of my stomach (below bottom of two ribs). Extremely painful. Went CGH then home to rest. Alf gotta take leave on Mon to bring me there. Couldn't get out of bed cos of pain. Whole day RIB.
Ok, just hope things would get better. Esp at work & my health.